This is a love post on dark days like these.
The nuclear and humanitarian disaster in Japan inhibits every persons mind, and what it really does, apart from rising our concern for living beings suffering and pollution spreading, is that it makes us think.
and I am thinking a lot these days...
I have been a late cold war child, grew up with the ''balance of terror'' in the back of my head.
It's a terror that never leaves you, really, for it is subtle and deliberate.
But it was war times, and it was, at least, a negotiable terror, unjustified, like every other war, but partly understandable. It never gave way to disaster, anyway (apart from a vast number of nuclear tests).
The terror was enough to sustain the balance and prohibit the use on civilians.
But this time, like in every nuclear accident, it is a time of peace.
Peace and Progress for the comfort of modern man.
I think hard these days, I am no expert, and realise that nuclear power is cheap and nasty. And helps us to achieve the level of comfort. Our comfortable lives are based on energy supplies. And as much as we protest on clean and renewable energy, we know that our comfort will be disrupted if we shift entirely on green.
But still, we need, as a community, as a bunch of common people, really, to decide what world do we want to live in. Energy supply is based on demand. If we use less, we need less. It's common sense, really.
We cannot go on living on such a high risk of nuclear contamination because we want to live in comfort.
This world is not created for us alone, and in the end of the day, it doesn't give a shit.
One quake, and we 're done.
But what we do, is, not face thousands of natural disaster victims and economic recession alone.
What we do is contaminate the land we live in, deprive it of its own life.
We create living cemeteries.
Found the atomic definition on the Merriam-Webster:
1. a: of, relating to, or concerned with atoms
b: nuclear
2. a: marked by acceptance of the theory of atomism
b: atomistic
Atomistic: composed of many simple elements; also : characterized by or resulting from division into unconnected or antagonistic fragments <an atomistic society>
....and that explains a lot.
That's just it Elia... people misunderstand what the theory of Gaia is. The planet WILL find a way to survive a nuclear disaster. It will spin around itself, revolving around the sun. It will have an atmosphere. It will be inhabited by carbon-based life forms. Just not humans. Or mamals. Or anyone who learned to breath 78% Nitrogen and 22% Oxygen.