Monday, 31 January 2011

I know how Voldy felt

some thoughts on obsession....
when one decides to split their soul, to accommodate or hide a fear or a desire, this second fragment of the soul, that uncomfortable forbidden feeling, what can it possibly contain? and how powerful or needy can it become?
the second fragment hides into the great castle of fear, in limbo, silently waiting, starving because it's disconnected from the source, cut off from the self and the conscious, lurks in the dark. and waits. it waits for some blood to run into its cold vessel. it waits and longs for love.
when the split soul individual will fall in love,  love will fill up the entire soul.
when love will cease, the first, conscious part will grieve, and move on. the second fragment though, can not let love get away. for once, it was so happy to contain such a strange, such an overwhelming sensation, it was too happily absorbed into the warm feeling of finally being connected to the source, that it cannot let go. it will not let go. it will resist losing what is already gone, it will survive in denial.
when the loved one becomes another face in the crowd for the conscious part, when oblivion wipes out the touch and the caress and the affection and the pain, the second fragment will transform into the image of the loved one. the split second part will live again with a new face, with a new name inside the soul, will recall and replay the life,dreams and aspirations of the generator of love. it will become the voice of the loved one inside the head, it will blossom and expand and slowly affect the conscious part and the entire self with the image of a living dream, of a life that is no longer alive, of a feeling of the incomplete, of eternal starvation, and repetition and deceit. the split soul will live a parallel life of the real individual and of a faded photograph. 
and furthermore, when the photograph gets completely worn out, and the sweet face of the loved one appears terribly disfigured, the second fragment will wake up, all drained up and confused and starving. it will wake up into deceit, it will wonder what the f*ck has been really going on all these years...eventually it will turn into the conscious self, and depending on its disposition, it will either demand explanations, or devour the entire soul.
splitting the soul is creating an imaginary space within actual space. a fascinating space, really. but when that space is used to accommodate the trash of human condition, it can become highly dangerous, especially if it becomes the vacuum of a love that the conscious self  does not have the guts to experience.


  1. Good God! Obsessively in love!
    What about the obsession of being in love?
    In a multi-socialising society with the life expectancy extending and assuring long term family relationships and frienships how alone, unloved and deprived are we supposed to feel? How many people are there supposed to be important in our lives? How many attempts for "meaningfull" relationships?
    Has eros become a status item? Are we who remain on the love life margin feel that we are missing something? A few decades ago marriage was bestowed on us like an obligation, verging between blessing and curse. Has eros become the mandatory item that will determine the winners from the loosers in this day and age?
    Surely there are more important things out there...

  2. You said it!
    I feel that the design and monitoring of a multystorey building (for example) is less tiresome and straessfull than the involvement in any sort of relationship during an equal amound of time.

  3. I did not mean to be cynical like that.

  4. I DO !
    There are more creative things to do with ones life, and thank God for that.
    Being in love should rate well below fucking FISHING!

  5. Heartbroken, aren't weeeeeeee?

  6. As a matter of fact no wisearse!
    I've never been dumped and (as far as I know) I' ve never been cheated. But I find sickening spending time with dear friends in pieces over a faild relationship. Grown up men and women at a loss of who to go on when life has issues so much more important.

  7. Cynicysm leads nowhere.

  8. Listen Sleeping Beauty, I've read your first post. All we dissagree in is the phrasing! Not the substance. Have a drink, a wank, a good night's sleep and re-read all this tomorrow...

  9. Yes we dissagree on the phrasing!

  10. Wich means that you are either a girl or a fag. Goodnight pumpkin!

  11. You sad bastard.

  12. Actually, a bitch!
